4 Habits That Anger God – Stop These Before It’s too late, Biblical Wisdom

Have you ever wondered if the way you start your day is pleasing to God? Could it be that some of your morning habits—things you do without much thought—are actually offending God and blocking His blessings in your life? Many believers go through their mornings on autopilot, unaware that their routines may be pushing them further away from divine favor. But what if I told you that by making a few simple changes, you could align yourself with God’s will and experience greater peace, strength, and spiritual clarity? Welcome to Bible Stories, where we explore powerful biblical wisdom to help you grow in faith and walk in God’s truth. Today’s message is crucial because we will reveal four common morning habits that anger God—habits that, if left unchecked, could be hindering your spiritual growth and blocking your prayers. We’ll dive into scripture, break down biblical teachings, and uncover the small but destructive behaviors that many believers unknowingly engage in each morning. So, let me ask you: Is your morning routine setting you up for divine favor, or is it unknowingly inviting spiritual struggles into your life? Stick with me until the end, because the final habit might be the very thing standing in the way of your breakthrough. You don’t want to miss this! But before we begin, I want to invite you to subscribe to our channel, Bible Stories, and turn on notifications so you never miss a powerful biblical teaching. If this message speaks to you, leave a like, drop a comment, and share this video with your church group, family, and friends. Let’s spread God’s Word together and help others walk in His wisdom. Now, let’s dive in… Have you ever paused to reflect on how the way you start your morning affects your spiritual journey? Could it be that your daily routines—seemingly harmless—are unknowingly distancing you from God’s presence, blocking His divine blessings, and leaving you vulnerable to unnecessary struggles? Every morning, you make decisions. Choices that either bring you closer to God or push you further away from Him. Many believers wake up and move through their day on autopilot, unaware that some of their habits are grieving the heart of God. So let me ask you: Are your mornings setting you up for divine favor, peace, and spiritual strength? Or are they unknowingly inviting frustration, anxiety, and spiritual weakness into your life? In today’s message, we will uncover four dangerous morning habits that anger God—habits that, if left unchecked, could hinder your spiritual growth and rob you of God’s best for your life. We will dive deep into biblical wisdom, analyze key scriptures, and expose the subtle but destructive morning routines that many believers fall into without realizing it. Stay with me until the end, because the final habit may be the very thing blocking your breakthrough. Don’t overlook this message—your spiritual growth and divine alignment depend on it.
Habit 1: Starting the Day Without Prayer—Ignoring the God Who Woke You Up
Imagine a child waking up each morning in a house fully provided by their loving parents. They eat the food prepared for them, enjoy the safety and comfort of their home, and go about their day without ever acknowledging the ones who made it all possible. Not a “thank you,” not a “good morning”—just silence.How would that make a parent feel? Hurt? Ignored? Taken for granted? Yet, this is exactly how many of us treat God every single morning. We wake up with breath in our lungs, strength in our bodies, and another day filled with opportunities—but we fail to acknowledge the One who made it all possible. Instead of offering a prayer of gratitude, we reach for our phones, scroll through social media, check our messages, or dive straight into our responsibilities, as if we are the masters of our own lives. But the Bible is clear: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:6). How can we expect God to guide and bless our steps if we refuse to acknowledge Him at the very start of our day? How can we seek His protection, wisdom, and provision if we don’t take a moment to thank Him for another day of life? David understood the power of morning prayer. In Psalm 5:3, he declares: In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly. Our mornings are meant to be sacred. They are the foundation of our day—a time to align ourselves with God’s will, strengthen our spirits, and prepare for the challenges ahead. But when we neglect prayer, we disconnect ourselves from the Source of our strength. We step into our day without divine covering, making ourselves vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Think of a soldier heading into battle without his armor. No matter how strong or skilled he is, he is an easy target for the enemy. In the same way, when we start our day without prayer, we leave ourselves unprotected against temptation, spiritual battles, and unforeseen struggles.
Jesus Himself set the example for us. Mark 1:35 tells us: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went to a solitary place where He prayed. If the Son of God, who was sinless and carried divine authority, saw the absolute necessity of beginning His day with prayer, how much more do we need it? Ask yourself: What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Do you rush to check your notifications?
Do you immediately start worrying about your responsibilities?
Or do you take time to humble yourself before God, inviting His presence into your day? Whatever you prioritize first in the morning reveals what truly holds first place in your heart. I challenge you today: If prayer is not your first action in the morning, ask yourself—why? Who is truly ruling your mornings—God or distractions?
Commit to starting your day with God. It doesn’t have to be long—even five minutes of sincere gratitude is a powerful step in the right direction. Say: Lord, I thank You for another day. Guide me, lead me, protect me. Let Your will be done in my life today. When you cultivate this habit, your mornings will transform. Your perspective will shift. Your days will carry a different peace, clarity, and divine power.
Habit 2: Complaining Instead of Expressing Gratitude
For some people, the first words they speak in the morning are not words of praise, gratitude, or thanksgiving—but complaints.
• “I didn’t sleep well.”
• “I have too much to do today.”
• “I’m dreading work.”
They start their day with negativity, unaware that their words are shaping their reality. The Bible warns us:
“Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21)
When you wake up complaining, you are unknowingly declaring defeat over your day before it even begins. You are setting the tone for frustration, stress, and negativity instead of blessing, favor, and peace.
But what if you changed your morning words?
Instead of saying, “I’m so tired,” say: “Thank You, Lord, for another day of life. Instead of saying, “I don’t feel like working today,” say: “Lord, give me strength and wisdom for this day.” Instead of complaining, start your morning with praise. Psalm 118:24 says: This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. When you choose to thank God instead of complain, you shift your mindset, align with His will, and invite His presence into your day. Gratitude activates faith, opens doors for blessings, and draws you closer to God.
What’s Next?
These are just two of the four dangerous morning habits that can offend God and hinder your spiritual growth. There are still two more habits that many believers unknowingly practice—habits that could be blocking their prayers, limiting their blessings, and creating unnecessary struggles. Don’t miss the next part of this teaching. Stay tuned as we uncover the remaining two habits and equip ourselves with the biblical wisdom to break free from these harmful routines.
The Power of Gratitude Over Complaints: A Spiritual Awakening
The very breath that fills your lungs each morning, the strength that enables you to rise from your bed, is a gift from God. Yet, how often is this very gift used not to praise, but to grumble? Hear me—complaining is not just an innocent, minor habit; it is a deeply rooted spiritual issue. It is a statement, a declaration that, despite all of God’s goodness, all of His boundless mercy, and all of His faithful provision, you have chosen to fixate on what is lacking rather than what is present. Understand this: when we complain, we are expressing a heart of ingratitude. We are, in essence, telling God that His blessings are not enough, that His provision is insufficient. This is why complaining angers God—it is not merely about voicing frustration; it is about the condition of the heart behind those words. A heart that grumbles is a heart that lacks faith. God has granted you another day—not because you have earned it, not because you deserve it, but because of His incredible grace. And yet, instead of lifting your voice in praise, instead of acknowledging His goodness, many begin their day by magnifying their problems. This habit blinds us to the faithfulness of God. It shifts our focus away from His loving-kindness and onto our temporary discomforts. The result? We start the day already burdened, already weary, already overwhelmed—not because God has failed us, but because we have chosen to overlook His goodness. The Bible strongly warns against a spirit of complaint. In Philippians 2:14, we are commanded: “Do all things without grumbling or disputing.” This is not a suggestion; it is an instruction. When you wake up, when you face responsibilities, when challenges arise throughout the day, you must resist the temptation to murmur and complain. Why? Because complaining is more than just venting frustration—it is an act of rebellion against trusting in God’s plan. Consider the Israelites in the wilderness. God delivered them from slavery, provided manna from heaven, led them by a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night—yet they still grumbled. Numbers 14:27-29 records God’s response to their constant complaining: How long shall this wicked congregation grumble against Me? I have heard the complaints that the Israelites are making against Me. Say to them, ‘As surely as I live,’ declares the Lord, ‘I will do to you the very thing I heard you say. Do you understand the weight of these words? God listens to what we say. If the first words you utter each morning are negative—words of complaint, frustration, or doubt—you are setting the tone for your entire day in direct opposition to God’s will. Let me put it plainly: complaining attracts more problems, while gratitude attracts divine favor. What you speak, you empower. If you begin your day with words of frustration, you invite frustration into your life. If you wake up dwelling on what is wrong, your entire day will be colored by that perspective. But if you choose to wake up with gratitude—if your first words are words of thankfulness—you invite joy, peace, and the very presence of God into your life. Imagine a parent who lovingly wakes up early to prepare breakfast for their child. The child comes to the table, but instead of saying, “Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad.” they scoff, cross their arms, and say, “Ugh, why do I have to eat this? This isn’t what I wanted.” How would that parent feel? Would they be eager to bless that child with more? Would they be inclined to go above and beyond to provide for them? Absolutely not. Now, consider how God must feel when we treat Him the same way. He wakes us up each morning, gives us strength, provides for our needs, and yet, instead of thanking Him, many of us immediately complain about what we don’t have or what isn’t going our way. But here’s the truth: complaining is a choice. Many people believe that their complaints are simply a natural response to their circumstances. They think, “I’m just being honest about how I feel. I’m just expressing myself.” But no—complaining is a decision. It is a conscious choice to focus on the negative instead of the positive, and that choice carries consequences. Your words shape your reality. The atmosphere of your day is set by the first words you speak. If you start the day filled with bitterness, you will carry bitterness throughout the day. If you start the day frustrated, you will attract more frustration. But if you start the day with gratitude, you will walk in the flow of God’s favor. The Bible gives us a clear command in 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Did you catch that? In all circumstances. Not just when life is easy. Not just when things are going well. But even when the day seems difficult, when the road looks uncertain, when you feel exhausted and discouraged—still, give thanks. Why? Because gratitude is not based on your circumstances; it is rooted in the unchanging goodness of God. Now, let me challenge you: what are your first thoughts in the morning? Are they thoughts of gratitude, or thoughts of frustration? Do you wake up thanking God for breath in your lungs, for another chance to fulfill His purpose, for the strength to move forward? Or do you wake up dreading the day, already complaining about what lies ahead? Today, I urge you to break this habit. Take intentional steps to shift your focus. The moment you wake up—before you check your phone, before you step out of bed, before any other words leave your lips—speak words of gratitude. Make a habit of listing at least three things you are thankful for. Say:
• Thank You, Lord, for this new day.
• Thank You for another opportunity to walk in Your purpose.
• Thank You for my life, my health, my strength. Let me tell you something—if you train yourself to wake up in gratitude, your entire life will change. Your attitude will shift. Your heart will feel lighter. The burdens that once weighed you down will not seem as heavy. And most importantly, the enemy will lose his grip on your mind. Because a grateful heart is a heart that is anchored in faith. And where faith dwells, fear and negativity cannot remain. So make the choice today.
The Power of Gratitude and the Dangers of Distraction
Have you ever considered how much influence your thoughts have over your life? The way you begin your day shapes your mindset, your emotions, and even your spiritual resilience. What you allow to take root in your mind first thing in the morning determines the course of your entire day. One of the most powerful tools God has given us is gratitude. Gratitude is more than just a polite gesture—it is a weapon. It dismantles the schemes of the enemy, silences the whispers of discouragement, and cancels the assignment of depression before it even has a chance to take hold. When you embrace gratitude, you shift your focus from what’s missing to what’s present, from what’s broken to what’s being restored, from what’s painful to what’s praiseworthy.
Gratitude is not passive; it is an active force that lifts the burden of stress, that dismantles anxiety, and that invites the very presence of God into your home, into your mind, and into your heart. When you cultivate a habit of thanksgiving, you create an atmosphere where the peace of God can reign. So, I urge you today—before it’s too late—put an end to the habit of complaining. Stop allowing frustration and negativity to be the first words on your lips. Stop speaking defeat before the day has even begun. Stop dishonoring God by refusing to acknowledge His faithfulness. Instead, make a conscious choice to embrace gratitude. Choose to fill your mouth with praise rather than grumbling. Choose to magnify the name of God rather than magnifying your problems. Because when you begin your day with thanksgiving, you unlock the doors for God’s blessings to follow you throughout the day.
The Distractions That Shape Your Day
Now let me ask you a simple yet profound question: What is the very first thing that captures your attention each morning? Before you even step out of bed, before you utter a single word in prayer, what is the first thing you allow into your heart and mind? For many people, the first instinct is to reach for their phones. To scroll endlessly through social media, drowning in a sea of distractions. To check the latest news filled with fear, chaos, and uncertainty. To read messages and notifications that, more often than not, drain rather than edify. Some turn on the television, letting the voices of the world dictate the rhythm of their day before they’ve even had a moment to speak with God. Others wake up and allow music with corrupt lyrics and negative influences to be the first thing that fills their minds, unknowingly setting the tone for everything that follows. But listen carefully—whatever you expose your mind to first in the morning determines the state of your spirit for the rest of the day. If the first thing you consume is filled with stress, fear, or ungodliness, then don’t be surprised when anxiety, doubt, and frustration take control of your emotions. Instead of nourishing your soul with the truth of God’s Word, instead of putting on the full armor of God, you begin your day spiritually unprotected, vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. The Bible warns us in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Seek first—not second. Not after checking your emails. Not after scrolling through social media. Not after consuming the latest gossip. Seek first the presence of God. Because whatever you seek first in the morning reveals what truly rules your heart. If your phone is the first thing you reach for, then your phone has become your idol. If the news dictates your morning, then fear and anxiety have become your masters. Romans 12:2 reminds us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This means that every morning, you have a choice to make: Will you conform to the distractions and chaos of the world, or will you renew your mind in Christ? If the first thing you consume is worldly, don’t be shocked when your thoughts, emotions, and actions follow the patterns of the world instead of the peace of God.
Planting the Right Seeds
Picture your mind as a garden. Whatever you plant in the morning will take root and grow throughout the day. If you plant seeds of fear, worry, and distractions, then that is exactly what will flourish in your heart. But if you plant seeds of worship, scripture, and gratitude, then faith, peace, and strength will grow instead. Imagine a farmer waking up early in the morning, stepping onto his land, and instead of planting good seeds, he sows weeds. How foolish would it be for him to expect a healthy harvest? Yet, this is exactly what we do when we begin our day with negativity, distractions, and meaningless consumption instead of filling our spirit with God’s truth. Mark 1:35 tells us about Jesus’ morning habit: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went to a solitary place where He prayed. Jesus—the Son of God, the One with all authority and power—began His day by seeking the Father. If Jesus, who walked in divine wisdom, needed to begin His day in prayer, how much more do we? Now, imagine waking up and the first thing you do is turn on the news. You hear about rising crime rates, economic struggles, political chaos, and natural disasters. What happens? Fear grips your heart. Anxiety takes over. Hopelessness begins to settle in before you even step out of bed. But what if, instead, you woke up and began your day in worship? What if you started your morning by declaring God’s goodness, by meditating on scripture, by seeking His presence before anything else? When you set your mind on Christ first, you set your day on a firm foundation. When you choose to feed your spirit before feeding your distractions, you walk in victory instead of defeat. So today, I challenge you—break free from the habits that are stealing your peace. Stop allowing distractions to be the first thing you turn to. Stop letting fear dictate your emotions before you’ve even had a moment with God. Instead, seek Him first. Clothe yourself in His presence. Renew your mind in His truth. Because when you start your day with God, you invite His strength, His peace, and His favor to guide you every step of the way.
Starting Your Day with God: The Key to Peace, Clarity, and Divine Direction
The Weight of Anxiety vs. The Power of Worship
Have you ever noticed how, before your feet even hit the floor in the morning, your mind is already flooded with worries? The moment you wake up, thoughts of deadlines, responsibilities, and uncertainties start swirling in your head. That weight of anxiety settles over you like a heavy cloak, and before you know it, you’re stepping out of your home already burdened—already stressed, already worried, already distracted. Without even realizing it, you’ve allowed the chaos of the world to dictate your emotions, your focus, and your mindset before you’ve even whispered a prayer or acknowledged God’s presence. But imagine for a moment if things were different. What if, instead of waking up and immediately diving into your fears, you began your day with worship? What if the very first words that escaped your lips were words of scripture—life-giving, powerful, and filled with truth? What if the first thing your eyes focused on wasn’t the notifications on your phone but the timeless wisdom found in the Word of God? The shift would be radical. Instead of walking into your day weighed down by fear, you would be stepping forward in unwavering faith. Instead of carrying stress into every conversation and decision, you would carry supernatural peace. Instead of reacting to challenges with frustration, you would move with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Challenge: A Three-Day Fast from Digital Distractions
I want to challenge you today—take a three-day fast from checking your phone first thing in the morning. Before you reach for social media, before you scroll through the latest news, before you allow the voices of the world to shape your mindset, take time to be in God’s presence. Begin each morning in worship. Let your first words be prayers of gratitude, surrender, and praise. Read a Psalm before anything else. Train your heart to say, Lord, I give You this day. Order my steps, direct my thoughts, and fill me with Your peace. Because here’s the truth: When you dedicate your mind to God before anything else, He will align your perspective for the rest of the day. When you choose to seek Him first, His presence will go before you. And when you set your eyes on Him in the morning, you will walk in clarity, in power, and in the anointing that sustains you through every challenge. So stop letting the world be the first voice that speaks into your life each morning. Stop giving your most sacred moments to distractions instead of devotion. Stop feeding your spirit with the noise of the world before you have even received the nourishment of the Bread of Life. Instead, sow seeds of faith, of worship, and of God’s Word. Because what you plant in the morning will determine the harvest you reap throughout the day.
Seeking God’s Direction Before Rushing Into the Day
Every single day, we are faced with choices—some seemingly small, others life-altering. But every decision we make either moves us closer to God’s purpose or pulls us further away from it. Yet, so many of us wake up and immediately rush into the day without taking a moment to seek the One who holds our future. We assume we know the way. We assume we can handle the challenges ahead. We assume that we can navigate life’s uncertainties on our own.
But assumption is dangerous when walking a spiritual path.
Because when you move forward without consulting God, you might unknowingly be walking straight into a storm that could have been avoided. How many times have you made a decision only to regret it later? How many times have you stepped into a situation only to realize—too late—that you should have waited on God’s voice?
The Wisdom of Seeking God First
The Bible gives us clear instructions on this. Proverbs 16:3 says:
“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”
That means before you check your emails, before you start that meeting, before you enter that relationship, before you sign that contract—before you do anything—commit it to the Lord. Why? Because He sees what you do not. He understands the hidden battles, the unseen dangers, the divine opportunities that you would never recognize on your own.
Isaiah 30:21 says:
“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’”
But if you’re moving too fast—if you’re rushing from one task to the next without pausing to hear God’s voice—how will you ever recognize His direction? If you never take time to be still, how will you hear Him say, “Not yet. Not this way. Wait.” How will you discern His voice when you’ve already determined your own course before even inviting Him into your plans?
The GPS of Life: Following God’s Guidance
Imagine life as a GPS navigation system. If you’re in an unfamiliar city, you don’t just start driving aimlessly—you check the GPS, input the destination, and follow the route. But what happens if you ignore the directions and assume you’ll figure it out as you go? You risk getting lost. You make wrong turns. You waste time and energy going in circles. Worse yet, some wrong turns will take you miles off course, and some roads will lead to dead ends. This is exactly what happens when you start your day without seeking God’s direction. You step into the unknown without guidance. You make emotional decisions instead of wise ones. You take on burdens that God never assigned to you. You rush into battles that you were never meant to fight. You waste precious time fixing mistakes that could have been avoided if only you had waited on the Lord.
Jesus: The Perfect Example of Seeking the Father First
If anyone had the right to rely on their own wisdom, power, and authority, it was Jesus. Yet, even He never rushed ahead without first seeking the Father. In Luke 6:12, we see His example:
“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them.” Even when choosing His disciples—one of the most crucial decisions of His ministry—Jesus didn’t rely on His own understanding. He prayed. He sought the Father’s guidance. And if Jesus Himself prioritized seeking God’s direction, how much more should we?
Final Challenge: Put God First, Walk in His Peace
I challenge you today: Before you rush into your day, pause. Seek God. Worship Him. Pray. Open His Word. Start your mornings with His presence, and watch how your entire day transforms.
• Instead of stepping out in fear, step out in faith.
• Instead of moving in stress, move in peace.
• Instead of reacting to problems, be led by the Spirit.
• Instead of stumbling into obstacles, walk in divine direction.
Don’t let the world be the first thing to speak into your life. Give God the first moments of your day, and He will shape your entire path. Seek Him first, and He will go before you. Fix your eyes on Him, and you will walk in clarity, power, and anointing all day long.
Now, will you take the challenge? How much more should we seek God before making any decision in our lives?
Let me ask you a sincere question: Do you intentionally seek God’s guidance before stepping into your day, or do you rely on your own understanding, hoping things will simply work out? Be honest with yourself—many of us have fallen into the habit of treating God like a last resort, a backup plan. We make choices based on our own reasoning, move forward with our own wisdom, and only when things start to fall apart, we come running back to Him, crying out, “Lord, help me! Lord, fix this! But what if we changed our approach? What if, instead of making plans first and then asking God to bless them, we started by asking for His will and direction before making any decisions? I challenge you today: before embarking on any major task, pause—take a moment to seek God’s wisdom. Before you commit to any decision, ask Him: Lord, what is Your will in this? What path do You want me to take? Guide my steps, lead my heart, and align my desires with Yours. This simple act of surrendering your plans to God may only take a moment, but that single moment could spare you from unnecessary struggles, confusion, and pain. Because hear me today—rushing ahead of God is not just risky; it’s reckless. Walking without divine direction leads to frustration, detours, and disappointment. But when you take time to seek His will, when you surrender your day into His hands, when you make Him the GPS of your life, you will discover that:
Your path becomes clearer.
Your burdens become lighter.
Your spirit is filled with peace.
So stop waking up and running into the day without first consulting the One who holds your future.
Stop leaning on your own understanding when the Creator of the universe is ready to direct your steps. Stop making decisions without seeking divine counsel.
Instead, starting today, choose to seek Him first.
Choose to wait for His wisdom.
Choose to move only when He tells you to move.
Because the Word of God promises us in Proverbs 3:6:
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. And so, my friends, let today be the beginning of a new spiritual discipline in your life. No more waking up and rushing into the day without God. No more allowing the enemy to dictate your thoughts the moment you open your eyes. No more starting the morning distracted, ungrateful, and spiritually unarmed. Instead, commit to making the first moments of your morning sacred.
Commit to honoring God before you begin anything else.
Commit to starting your day His way, so that you may walk in His power, His favor, and His authority. If this message has spoken to your heart, take a moment to declare it in the comments: “Lord, I will put You first in my mornings! We’ve just uncovered four common morning habits that could be offending God and blocking His blessings from flowing into your life. Now that you know the truth, the next step is action. What will you do with this wisdom? Will you continue these habits, or will you take the necessary steps to realign your mornings with God’s will? Remember, how you begin your day sets the course for everything that follows. If you want to walk in God’s favor, receive His divine protection, and experience His supernatural peace, then commit today to starting your mornings in a way that honors Him. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” When you put God first in the morning—before distractions, responsibilities, and worries—you open the door for His guidance, strength, and blessings to follow you throughout the day. So, I challenge you: Make a commitment today. Choose to start your mornings with gratitude, prayer, and faith-filled words. Let go of the habits that are weighing you down and embrace the routines that bring you closer to God. If this message has spoken to your heart, declare it in the comments: ‘Lord, I will put You first in my mornings!’ Let’s stand together in faith and encourage one another in this journey. And before you go, don’t forget to subscribe to Bible Stories, like this video, and share it with your community, church group, family, and friends. Let’s spread the truth of God’s Word so that more people can experience the power of living in alignment with Him. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you commit to honoring Him in your daily life. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video!