Judgement Day – Jesus on the Throne

Jesus says on judgment day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, we prophesied, cast out demons, and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will say to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who break God’s laws.’ And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life, judged according to what he had done. Prepare yourself, Hal Newman. It is now time to give an accounting. Gabriel is the name Hal Newman found in the book of life. Oh, what a blessing to be here to witness this, to see the reward. Oh, good, it is not my Lord. ‘What, Hal Newman? You are guilty of denying me. You will be taken to the lake of fire where you will spend eternity away from my presence, in the company of Satan and his demons and all those who have denied.”But, Lord, how have I denied you? I accepted you as a boy. I’ve been a Christian my whole life. How can this be?
Gabriel, reveal the works of his life
‘Yes, my Lord.”Stanley, relax, my friend. I’ve got several places we can hide the money. All right. Didn’t you know I’m a CPA? Hal, I would have gladly forgiven you of these deeds. I died to give you that chance. If you had come to me with a broken and contrite heart, I would have erased these deeds from all memory. But you never knew me, and these deeds are merely evidence of what was in your heart all along. I am so sorry. I gave you many chances to repent in life, but out of your pride, you refused. You prayed a prayer decades ago, but it meant little. You never followed me; you never knew me.’
‘But, Lord, I did many good things in your church.”Why do you call me Lord and yet you failed to do what I told you, Hal? You have never been mine. Now you must go away, for your deeds are evil. Take him away, cast him into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of them. Gabriel, reveal the works of his life.’
‘Yes, my Lord.”Tom, what do you mean you’re cutting the transmission? ”I mean, Pastor Allen is getting low on oxygen. He’s obviously delusional, and I’m not going to be responsible. ‘This is no delusion. This happens to be the most important message ever delivered at this church. Being as much as I’d hate to lose you right now, I will have you thrown out of this building. You got it. You never knew me, but Lord, I did many good things in your church. Why do you call me Lord and yet you failed to do what I told you, Hal? You have never been mine. Now you must go away, for your deeds are evil. Take him away, cast him into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing. Alan Rockaway, if you hate your brother, nation against nation, man against creation. We broke the world; we did this. ‘But, Lord, I did many good things in your church. ‘Why do you call me Lord and yet you failed to do what I told you, Hal? You have never been mine. Now you must go away, for your deeds are evil. Take him away, cast him into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of him. Gabriel, reveal the works of her life. Yes, my Lord. He took up with that trashy little worship singer. Everybody knows they spent the night together. In some thinking of making that woman head of preschool. He’s out of concern after all. She is part of the church ministry. Has no idea she was the source of all those. Gabriel, is the name Carrie Nose found in the book of life?’
‘No, what? It is not, my Lord. ‘What? Lord, I have been nothing but a servant for as long as I can remember, and you already received your full reward for that service, Carrie.
‘That’s it? That’s all the thanks I get? Didn’t I pray? Didn’t I ask forgiveness of my sins?’
‘You did, but Carrie, your heart was far from me. You stated you knew Jesus, but you never came to me with a humble and contrite heart for salvation. It’s not true; therefore, my life was never imparted to you. But I prayed. Are you actually trusted in your works? My word is clear on that, Carrie. You are not justified by works, and I do not know you. Therefore, you must depart from me and go to your eternal punishment. Now you, you just wait here. I must go to the place reserved for those who reject me, for many are called but few are chosen.
‘Get these chains off me! You shall not steal. Stealing? I’m not a thief, but everyone’s taken something at one time or another. Out of a person’s heart come evil thoughts, thefts. These defile a man. Thieves will not inherit the kingdom of God. ‘But, Lord, Lord, I was a good person. I went to church every Sunday. I was baptized and confirmed. I was even a Sunday school teacher. Lord, Lord, why do you call me Lord, and you don’t do what I say? No, now you must depart from me, for my presence is not within you, and your name is not found in the book. Many are called, but few are chosen.’
No, no! Gabriel, reveal the works of her life. Yes, my Lord. Did you hear about Pastor Allen? He took out; he knows they spent the night together. But if you’re thinking of making that woman head of preschool after all, she is part of the church ministry. So, she really needs our prayers.’
‘My word is clear about the seven things I hate. Is sowing discord among brethren? Again, I sleep in my word that I cannot tolerate those who slander their neighbors. But, Carrie, your heart was far from me. You stated you knew Jesus, but you never came to me with a humble and contrite heart for salvation. It’s not true; therefore, my life was never imparted to you. But I prayed. Are you trusted in your works? My word is clear on that, Carrie. You are not justified by works, and I do not know you. Therefore, you must depart from me and go to your eternal punishment. Now you, you just wait here. We must go to the place reserved for those who reject me, for many are called, but few are chosen. Come before my throne. Gabriel, is Alan Rockaway prepared to enter my kingdom? No, my Lord. He is not.
‘But, but, Lord, I served you. I healed people in your name. I baptized; I prayed; I taught your word. I devoted my life to your cause. ‘Here are your deeds. You divorced Terry before your elder board. Jesus understands that. Forget the angry, vengeful God. We thank you for the sweet sweat Alan and Jenny define each other. Yes, you would not have gone so boldly into adultery against my word. Whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery. You preached what would make you popular and successful. To love me with all their heart, soul, and might. You even paraded your adultery and the destruction of your family before the church, justifying it in my name. This was an abomination. Now you must depart from me, for my presence is not within you, and your name is not found in the book. Oh, God, bind and him into deepest darkness.’
‘Take him away, God! No, God! Why did I raise such cheap, shallow teaching? Why was I so proud? It was a simple truth. Why didn’t I make my own cry? Why did I turn away from him? I missed it. Why did I read that is true, then listen to his phone? Why did I reject him? In conclusion, the text serves as a powerful exploration of spiritual introspection and accountability. The dialogues unveil the tension between outward acts of piety and the inner disposition of the heart, stressing the significance of a genuine, humble connection with the divine. The narrative, set against the backdrop of Judgment Day, serves as a cautionary tale, prompting readers to contemplate the sincerity of their own beliefs and actions. It calls for a deeper understanding of faith, repentance, and the transformative power of a truly surrendered heart. Ultimately, the text challenges us to consider the eternal consequences of our choices and the authenticity of our spiritual journey.