The Real Reason he did this to his wife

Welcome to Bible Stories, where we dive deep into the pages of scripture to uncover the most profound, and sometimes shocking, stories that the Bible has to offer. In today’s episode, we’re exploring a tale that is both harrowing and thought-provoking—a story of betrayal, violence, and the devastating consequences of turning away from God’s ways. This is not a story for the faint-hearted, but it’s one that holds crucial lessons for us all. As we journey together through this narrative, we’ll unravel the real reason behind one man’s horrifying actions towards his wife, and what this dark chapter in Biblical history can teach us today. Before we dive in, I want to take a moment to invite you to join our growing community here at Bible Stories. If you haven’t already, please hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. Don’t forget to like this video if you find it informative, and share your thoughts in the comments below—I love hearing your insights and questions. And, of course, share this video with your church group, family, and friends. Together, let’s spread the knowledge and wisdom found in the Word of God. Did you know that a man of God once dismembered his wife into 12 pieces to seek revenge? Yes, you heard that right—he completely cut her body apart. This story is not for the faint of heart, so make sure you’re 18 or older before continuing. Welcome to “God’s Word Unmasked,” where we delve deep into Biblical history to uncover hidden truths and captivating stories.

If you enjoy our content, consider subscribing—we promise to keep bringing you insightful and engaging videos. According to the Bible, the Israelites were governed by God through judges or kings. These judges were divinely appointed to deliver Israel from its enemies and provide leadership and guidance. The Bible even mentions that the Spirit of God would enter these leaders, enabling them to lead the Israelites effectively. However, a recurring theme in the Book of Judges is the phrase, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” This highlights the people’s constant disobedience and idolatry, even though God was meant to be their ruler.

Before judges or kings began to rule again, many significant events took place, including a particularly disturbing story that is only suitable for mature audiences. So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in. As you may know, Israel was comprised of 12 tribes, all descended from Jacob, who was later renamed Israel by God. Jacob, the son of Isaac, had 12 sons who each became the patriarch of one of the tribes: Judah, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin. The tribe of Levi was unique because they were considered priests and had no tribal territory of their own. In the Book of Judges, it is recounted that during a time when Israel had no king appointed by God, terrible things were happening. A man from the tribe of Levi, who lived in Judah, took a concubine from Bethlehem. A concubine in those days was essentially a secondary wife.

The woman became angry with her husband and fled to her father’s house in Bethlehem, where she stayed for about four months. When the husband realized she wasn’t coming back, he decided to go after her, taking along a servant and an extra donkey. When he arrived at her father’s house, the woman welcomed him in, and her father was delighted to meet him. The father urged the man to stay for a while, so he did, and they spent three days eating and drinking together. On the fourth day, they were ready to leave early, but the woman’s father insisted they have breakfast first. Initially, the husband refused, but the father-in-law kept urging him until he agreed. They ended up spending the night again. The next morning, they were up early, and once more, the father-in-law pleaded with the husband to stay just for the day, so they enjoyed another day of feasting.

As evening approached, the father-in-law suggested they stay another night since it was getting late, but this time the man was determined to leave. They managed to travel as far as Jerusalem before nightfall. As they reached Jerusalem, the servant suggested they stop and stay there for the night, but the master refused, saying, “We will not turn aside to the city of foreigners who are not Israelites; we will go to Gibeah.” So, they continued their journey and reached Gibeah, which belonged to the tribe of Benjamin, as the sun was setting. Unable to find a place to stay, and with no one offering them shelter, the man, his wife, the servant, and the extra donkey sat in the city square. While they were resting, an old man returned to the city after a long day of work in the fields. Seeing the travelers in the square, he approached them and asked where they were coming from and where they were headed. The husband explained their situation, saying that although they had everything they needed, no one had offered them a place to stay.

The old man greeted them, saying, “Peace be with you. Let me take care of all your needs, but please don’t stay out on the street.” So he brought the travelers into his home, fed their donkeys, and they all washed their feet and enjoyed a meal together. While they were relaxing, a group of wicked men from the city surrounded the house and began banging on the door. They demanded that the old man bring out the guest who had come to his house so that they could have their way with him. In the Bible, the phrase “to know him” or “knew her” often refers to sexual relations, like when it says that Adam knew his wife, and she bore a son named Seth. If you’re finding this story interesting and learning something new, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Now, back to the story. Hearing the demands of the wicked men, the master of the house went outside to speak with them. He pleaded, “No, my brothers, please don’t do such an evil thing. This man has come into my house, and I cannot allow this wickedness. Here, take my daughter, who is a virgin, and this man’s concubine instead. Do what you wish with them, but don’t commit such a vile act against this man.

Despite the old man’s pleas, the wicked men refused to listen. In desperation, the husband pushed his concubine outside. The men took turns abusing her throughout the night until dawn. The woman managed to return to the house and collapsed at the door, where her husband was staying, and there she remained until morning. When her husband got up the next morning and opened the door to leave, he found his concubine lying there. He said to her, “Get up; let’s go,” but there was no response. Realizing she was dead, he placed her on his donkey and returned home. Once there, he took a knife and gruesomely cut her body, including her bones, into 12 pieces, which he sent throughout the regions of Israel. When the tribes of Israel learned about this horrific crime, they were outraged, declaring that nothing this terrible had happened since Israel had left Egypt. They knew they had to take action. So, the entire congregation of Israel came together, with 400,000 soldiers ready to draw their swords. The people asked the husband, “Tell us how this evil came to pass. The man explained, “I arrived in Gibeah of Benjamin with my concubine to spend the night. But the men of Gibeah rose against me, surrounded the house, and intended to kill me. They abused my concubine so severely that she died. So I took her body, cut it into pieces, and sent them throughout all of Israel because of the wickedness committed here. The man then asked for their advice on what should be done. One of them declared, “None of us will return home until we have punished the village of Gibeah. A tenth of our army will be chosen to supply food, while the rest of us will destroy Gibeah for this atrocity. All the people agreed to go against the city of Gibeah and the tribe of Benjamin. The tribes of Israel sent messengers to the tribe of Benjamin, demanding, “What is this wickedness that has been done among you? Now, hand over the evil men of Gibeah so that we can put them to death and remove this evil from Israel. However, the tribe of Benjamin refused to listen or surrender the guilty men. Instead, they gathered their forces to prepare for battle against the other tribes of Israel. Before the war began, the Israelites, excluding the tribe of Benjamin, went up to the house of God to seek guidance, asking, “Which of us should go first into battle? Who should lead the charge in battle against the tribe of Benjamin?” the Israelites asked, and the Lord replied, “Judah shall go first.” So, the men of Israel marched out to fight the Benjamites. The tribe of Benjamin came out from Gibeah and killed 22,000 Israelite soldiers that day. Heartbroken, the Israelites went before the Lord, weeping until evening. They asked God, “Should we go into battle again against our brothers, the Benjamites?” The Lord responded, “Yes, go and fight them.

On the second day, the Israelites drew near to the Benjamites once more, but again, they were struck down—another 18,000 men fell that day. Distraught, all the people of Israel went up to the house of God, where they wept, fasted until evening, and offered burnt and peace offerings to the Lord. They inquired again, “Should we continue to battle our brothers, the Benjamites, or should we stop?” And the Lord answered, “Go, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hands. On the third day, the Israelites went to battle against the Benjamites, and this time, they emerged victorious. The Israelites destroyed 25,100 Benjamite soldiers that day. The entire city was slaughtered, and it was set ablaze. Only a handful of Benjamite soldiers managed to escape. After this, the men of Israel made a solemn vow, declaring that none of them would ever give their daughters in marriage to the men of Benjamin.
They lamented the loss, saying, “One of our tribes has been cut off from Israel due to the evil they have done. Before we wrap up, remember the message from Galatians 5:13: “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Paul stresses that while Christians are blessed with freedom and free will from God, it should be used wisely and responsibly. Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed this video, please like, comment, and subscribe. Join us next week to uncover more stories. Before you go, I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to every subscriber. We’re on a journey to reach 300,000 subscribers. By subscribing and sharing our videos, you’re helping us bring you the best quality content, filled with hidden insights from various sacred texts. This channel explores not just the Bible but also the stories from the Ethiopic Bible and the Apocrypha. Be sure to check the description box below for supporting documents and biblical references.

As we conclude this intense and eye-opening story, we’re reminded of the gravity of our choices and the importance of living in alignment with God’s will. The actions of one man led to devastating consequences, not just for himself, but for an entire nation. It’s a powerful reminder of the ripple effects of sin and the necessity of seeking God’s guidance in all that we do. If this story has resonated with you, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect and share what you’ve learned. Don’t forget to leave a comment with your thoughts or any questions you may have—I’d love to continue the conversation with you. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, now is the perfect time to join our community. By subscribing, liking, and sharing this video, you’re helping to spread the timeless lessons of the Bible to even more people. Let’s keep the discussion going and share these stories with our church groups, family, and friends. Together, we can grow in our understanding of God’s Word and its relevance to our lives today. Thank you for being a part of this journey with Bible Stories, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode. God bless!

7 Physical Signs God is Speaking To You (This Will Surprise You)
Welcome to Bible Stories! In today’s video, we’re diving into a topic that many of us may have experienced at some point in our faith journey: recognizing the physical signs that God is speaking to us. Have you ever wondered if God is trying to communicate with you, but you weren’t sure how to recognize His voice? Perhaps you’ve felt a nudge in your spirit, encountered repeated messages, or experienced something out of the ordinary that made you pause and think, “Is this God speaking to me?” In this video, we’ll explore seven powerful and sometimes surprising ways that God might be reaching out to you. Understanding these signs can deepen your relationship with Him and help you navigate the challenges and decisions in your life with confidence. Before we get started, I want to invite you to become a part of our growing community here at Bible Stories. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to subscribe to the channel so you never miss out on our latest content. If you find this video helpful, give it a thumbs up, and don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below. Your insights and experiences could be just what someone else needs to hear! And, of course, if you feel inspired by today’s message, share this video with your church group, family, and friends. Together, we can spread the word and encourage others in their walk with God. Here are seven physical signs that God is communicating with you.

After we receive the gift of salvation, we experience peace with God, establishing a relationship where God becomes our Father, and we are His children. Communication is a vital aspect of any relationship, and it’s crucial in our relationship with God. We communicate with Him through prayer and receive guidance from Him in various areas of our lives. This means that every believer has the capacity to hear from God; the key question is whether we are fully utilizing this ability. God communicates with us in several ways, including visions, dreams, an inner voice, prophetic words, and even through His creation. He offers guidance on the steps we should take and provides direction in every aspect of our lives. The Bible is filled with accounts of individuals who heard from God, from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Often, God may be speaking to you, but you might not be paying attention or recognizing His voice. For example, when God first spoke to the prophet Samuel, Samuel didn’t recognize it was God; he thought it was Eli, the priest, calling him. This happened three times before Eli realized it was God speaking and instructed Samuel on how to respond. Similarly, many of us might miss God’s voice because we don’t recognize it. There are times when God wants to prepare us for the future or warn us about something, but if we aren’t listening, we may miss out on His guidance. Sometimes, God provides physical signs to draw our attention to His voice. Here are seven of those signs:

1. Difficulty Sleeping or Waking Up Unexpectedly at Night: If you find yourself struggling to sleep or waking up for no apparent reason at a specific hour, it might be a sign that God is trying to get your attention. During the day, our surroundings are often noisy and chaotic, making it difficult to discern God’s voice. However, nighttime offers peace and quiet, providing an opportunity for our minds to be still and hear God’s still, small voice. If you’re awake in the middle of the night, consider spending that time in prayer and asking God why He has woken you. It might be easier to hear God during these quiet hours than during the busyness of the day. We can learn from Jesus, who often prayed alone in the early morning hours, understanding the importance of quiet times for connecting with God. If you’ve been experiencing this sign, next time, use that time to seek God’s presence.

2. Unexplained Anxiety or Stress: Another sign that God might be speaking to you is when you feel anxious or stressed for no apparent reason. One of the fruits of the Spirit is peace, which believers should experience. If your heart is troubled and you’re overwhelmed with worry, it could indicate that something is off. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” When you are filled with anxiety and stress, it might be a sign that you are not resting in God’s presence. Jesus knew that the worries of this world could become heavy burdens, and the way to ease that burden is to spend time in His presence. If you’re feeling anxious, it might be God’s way of reminding you to return to prayer and study of the Word. Anxiety without a clear cause can signal that it’s time to seek God’s guidance. If a decision is causing you stress, it may be because you haven’t fully surrendered it to God. God might be using this time to call you to surrender all your worries to Him. Philippians 4:6-7 advises us not to be anxious but to bring our concerns to God in prayer, promising that His peace, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds. Sometimes, instead of anxiety, you might experience a deep sense of peace when facing challenges, indicating that God is reassuring you that everything will be alright. This peace, which others may not understand, is a clear sign that God is with you, offering comfort and assurance despite the circumstances.

3. Hearing or Receiving the Same Message Repeatedly: When God wants to get your attention, He often uses repetition. You might hear or see the same message multiple times.
Here’s a rephrased version of the text: Sometimes, it takes repeated occurrences for us to recognize that something isn’t just a coincidence. Have you ever been seeking answers and suddenly noticed that the same message seems to pop up everywhere? You attend church, and your pastor’s sermon touches on the exact topic you’re concerned about. You chat with a friend, and they bring up the same subject. Even as you scroll through social media, you keep encountering the same theme. This repetition might be God’s way of getting your attention. Rather than dismissing these instances as mere coincidences, it’s worth taking a moment to pray and seek clarity from God, asking Him to confirm that He’s speaking to you through these repeated signs.

Physical Sign 4: Experiencing Illness
God’s desire is for you to enjoy perfect health, which is why He has made healing available through Christ. The Bible is filled with stories of people who were healed, delivered, and even raised from the dead. While God may not be the cause of your illness, He might use it as a means to communicate with you. In John 5:14, after healing a man who had been paralyzed for a long time, Jesus later found him in the temple and warned him to stop sinning to avoid something worse happening to him. The man’s sickness was linked to his sin, and out of concern, Jesus spoke to him about it. Sometimes, God may use illness as a way to teach us faith or to guide us away from certain behaviors. This doesn’t mean that every illness is a result of sin—Jesus made this clear when He healed a man born blind, explaining that the blindness was not due to sin but so that God’s works could be displayed through him (John 9:2-3). If you’re dealing with illness, remember that God’s Word offers healing. Confess His promises and be open to what God might be teaching you during this time.

Physical Sign 5: An Open Door or Opportunity
Another way God might be speaking to you is by opening a door or presenting an opportunity. You may have been praying for guidance on your next step, and suddenly an opportunity arises that points you in a clear direction. This could be God’s way of answering your prayers. Sometimes, the answer we seek is already around us, as was the case with Moses and the Israelites when they needed to cross the Red Sea. God used the rod in Moses’ hand to part the waters. In the same way, God might be using an open door to show you the next step to take.

Physical Sign 6: An Unexplainable Physical Encounter
At times, God’s communication with us can be direct and undeniable through a physical encounter. This could be as clear as hearing God’s audible voice, even if others around you don’t hear it. Moses experienced this when he saw a bush that was burning but wasn’t consumed. When he approached to see what was happening, he heard God’s voice speaking to him—an encounter he couldn’t deny. Similarly, the Apostle Paul encountered God on his way to persecute Christians. He saw a bright light and heard a voice, but those with him didn’t hear it. After this encounter, Paul was temporarily blinded until God sent someone to pray for him. Such experiences are unmistakable signs that God is speaking directly to you. While not everyone has such experiences, those who do can be confident that it’s God’s voice they are hearing.

Physical Sign 7: God Speaking or Confirming His Word Through Others
God may also communicate with you through the people around you, especially when He wants to confirm something He’s already spoken to you in private. He might use your parents, friends, church members, pastor, mentor, or even strangers to deliver His message. This method is often used by God to reinforce a word or guidance He has given you, ensuring that you’re aware it’s from Him. You’ve drifted so far from God that you no longer hear His voice clearly. But because He cares for you and longs to reach you, He uses others to speak to you. Even when you feel distant, God still reaches out to you through these means. When He does, don’t ignore it—keep your heart open to receive His message. This is why we have spiritual gifts like prophecy, words of knowledge, and wisdom. Often, receiving a prophetic word is a reminder that God sees you, loves you, and cares enough to send someone to deliver His message. If you’re watching this video and have been going through a tough time, wondering if God cares about you at all, I want you to know that He sees you, He is with you, and He has never stopped loving you. God will help you through this season. You didn’t come across this video by accident—God is with you, and don’t ever let the enemy convince you otherwise. God might use physical signs to communicate with us, but sometimes, His voice isn’t dramatic. It might be as simple as reading His Word and understanding what He says about you, or just having a deep sense of knowing in your heart, or hearing Him speak through your thoughts. No matter how God chooses to speak, the key is to listen and pay attention to His words. Pray with me: Dear Lord, I thank You for being with me and for speaking to me. Thank You for Your unwavering love. I’m grateful for the different ways You reach out to me. I pray that my heart will be sensitive to Your voice, that I won’t struggle to recognize when You’re speaking, and that I will listen and obey.

As we wrap up today’s discussion on the seven physical signs that God is speaking to you, I hope you’ve gained a clearer understanding of how God communicates with us. Remember, His voice might not always be loud or obvious, but it is always intentional and full of love. Whether it’s through a quiet moment in the night, a sense of peace during chaos, or even through the words of a friend, God is continually reaching out to guide, comfort, and reassure us. Don’t let these signs go unnoticed—stay attuned to His presence in your life and be open to the ways He might be speaking to you right now. Thank you so much for watching! If this video resonated with you, please consider subscribing to our channel, Bible Stories, so you can stay connected with more content like this. Your likes and comments really help us to continue creating videos that inspire and uplift, so don’t forget to leave your feedback below. And lastly, sharing is a powerful way to spread God’s word—please share this video with your church group, family, and friends. You never know who might need to hear this message today. May God continue to speak to you in clear and powerful ways. Until next time, stay blessed!

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